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I Love You, Beth Cooper 2009 Movie 720p Download

Name I Love You, Beth Cooper 2009 Movie 720p Downloadhub
Quality 720p (700.2 MB)
Genres Comedy, Romance
Release Date 10 July 2009 (USA)
Stars Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack Carpenter
Rating IMDb

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The Storyline of I Love You, Beth Cooper 2009 Movie 720p Downloadhub:

In I Love You, Beth Cooper 2009 Movie 720p Downloadhub, When Dennis Cooperman gives the commencement speech at his graduation, his friend tells him to let it all out. So he proclaims his love for head cheerleader Beth Cooper and says things about everyone in the graduating class as well as some other people. Later Beth confronts him and he invites her to his graduation party; to his surprise she and two of her friends actually do show up. But so do some of the people he offended with his speech, wanting to tear him apart, one of them is Beth’s boyfriend, who has just dumped him.

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